Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sad News

One day last week, I got a rather frantic call from Christien from her new home in North Carolina. I couldn’t understand what she was saying so she had to repeat it twice.

Her father had died an hour earlier.

She had been unpacking with the movers when her stepmother phoned. Her father had a bout of indigestion the night before and was not feeling great. She went to the gym, took one look at him when she got returned home then called 911. While they were doing tests, he bled out. He had a ruptured aorta.
He was 86-years old and a renown and highly respected attorney. What a shock.

Gratefully, they had a good relationship and she had spoken to him recently. He had been so happy about her move to be closer to him and to the rest of the family. Her brother had just spent the weekend with him.

She was in shock.

I heard from her a few days ago while she was driving home from her father’s house where she was helping make all the funeral arrangements with her step-mom. She was still in shock. She was tired but just wanted to get home to just unpack her clothes then drive back for the funeral.

The funeral was Monday. She sent a quick e-mail that everything went well and we made plans to talk when she gets home. She did mention that she was very pleased that the military not only presented a flag to her step-mother but presented another to her brother. It meant a lot to her.

My heart aches for her.

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