Monday, November 15, 2010

Autograph Anyone?

At the rehab class on Thursday, they asked Sherman and me to poise for photos with the rehab equipment taken by a professional photographer. They are going to be published in the hospital’s directory of services that will be mailed to every person in the county. Oh my. Wish I had some notice! I was not dressed for it but thankfully, I had just washed my hair that morning.

It was a surprisingly long shoot. Mine took about an hour.

At one point, the photographer said I looked familiar and asked where we could have met. I always mention the school first. Bingo. She said that her niece and nephew went there. It turned out she is an aunt to Christien’s kids. She was Christien’s ex-husband’s sister. What a small world.

So, I will be famous! Lifting weights. Oh my.

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