Sunday, May 30, 2010

William's in Town

For the first time in over ten years, William is walking onto a stage to play a bass and perform in a band. I am so thrilled that he has returned to his roots of playing an instrument. He was invited to join a band that is opening for a much more famous band. He is replacing a woman bass player who just had a baby. The group has the right management group, producer and people behind them. We’ll see how far they can go. We don’t know if it is just a temporary gig or if he will be asked to perform with them in the future.

On this quick tour, they had already played several concerts before heading to our area. We tried to arrange to see him before the concert but he ran out of time. There was a huge rainstorm throughout the state and they were driving up from LA for the concert. They were running late. I finally texted him to ask if he was going to have time to see us and that the answer “no” was okay. He replied that they were running late, he wasn’t going to have time to see us but the concerts have been going really well.

I never liked my name, as it was so short. Boring. No nicknames can be made from it and it is such a 1950’s name. When we named William, I loved it because he could choose from a variety of nicknames.

He is always William to me and Michael calls him Willie, which he hates. It is interesting that professionally; he calls himself Will when he is a sound engineer but William when he is a musician. Different hats.

So, we look forward to him flying down for a few days or maybe we will plan a quick run up to Seattle to see him. Road trip!!

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