Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Patient Appointment

Next Tuesday, I have a first ever appointment to see a dermatologist for an all over body check to see if there are any more cancerous spots on my body. It will be a new patient appointment. Years ago, I discovered that it was wise to bring a lot of data and facts with me. There are always forms asking for current medications, family history, surgeries and illnesses. How do they expect people to remember dates and facts in a waiting room right before an appointment?

When I began the journey of my lung disease, I kept a document on my computer of all doctor appointment dates and what was discussed. It was labeled Lung History. It saved me many times. After the lawsuits, I made new documents; one was of all the current medications and why they were prescribed, another was of all the serious illnesses and surgeries in my life and finally, my family history going back four generations. I cannot tell you how many doctors told me that it was so much appreciated. They had the correct facts, no guesses.

I will print them this morning so I don't forget to bring them with me!

It is cloudy, windy again and cold outside. I don't want to go out there but the gardens are screaming for attention, water and fertilizer. It will be a long day. The joy will come when everything is finished and I can enjoy a hot shower.

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