Sunday, May 12, 2013

Love to Mothers

Happy Mother's Day! Michael will phone his mother this morning, we will expect a phone call later today from our son and we will be spending the afternoon with my mom. There is a lovely French restaurant featuring their normal menu with waiters in long white aprons and fantastic art of the walls in Menlo Park near Stanford. We are not buffet or brunch people. We have 2:00 reservations with my mom. It should be fun. The weather will be warm, the majority of brunch loving families will be gone and I am sure she and Michael will clink cocktails together. Guess who is driving home?

It is pre-dawn and we are up watching the Formula 1 race live from Spain. It's all about the tires today!

Yesterday, after completing my yard work, I drove into town to see the small group performances in four venues. They were a thank you to the community for 30 years of the local orchestra as well as advertising next week's concert. The Bluegrass violin/guitar group featuring my neighbor was so much fun to watch. A group of people gathered and there was a lot of toe tapping. They were followed by Scottish Fiddlers in full garb. Professionals. Former members of the orchestra and one of the founders. I walked to another venue inside a fancy restaurant to watch a violin, cello and piano trio, which was so excellent that people trying to eat lunch just didn't! They were too busy listening! Then I walked four long blocks to an inner courtyard to hear a flute/oboe duet followed by a solo violinist then a violin duet.

It was a lovely way to spend two hours on a Saturday afternoon.

I so hope wonderful memories of your mother come to the forefront during the day. Happy Mother's Day!

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