Friday, September 5, 2014

Tired of Being Tired

I am tired that I have still have to report again that I am tired. Even after grabbing two naps for a total of two hours yesterday, I am still tired. Once again, we didn't get home until 10:30 last night.

My body is asking for relief - "Please, may I have nine hours of sleep?" I also know that my body will rebel - "I will make you sick if you do not get enough sleep."

I am so tired that I am making up conversations with my body.

The good news is that I had a facial and my hair cut yesterday. I am ready for the big Chinese Wedding Banquet on Saturday night but again, I am worried that it will be a long night in a room with a lot of people. People tent to attend weddings and funerals no matter if they are sick.

Michael had a hair cut and a shave after work, ate dinner in the car while I drove to grab British Don's car, drove it back to Michael's shop where he put on the bumper, drove it up to Don's in the city, chatted in his loft for a bit then drove back down the coast. Kind of like a repeat of Wednesday night's birthday celebration without food or alcohol.

Today? It is a day with mom, her eye doctor, a quick run to a Walmart deep into the Silicon Valley then home. We are staying home tonight. I am going to bed early. I am sleeping in. I am doing a lot of nothing on Saturday until we leave for the wedding. I really don't want to get sick.

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