Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Just Wants it Over

Michael is prepared and ready for this morning's colonoscopy. He made it through yesterday just fine but he wants it done. Tired of the prep and waiting. Hungry? Yup. Dreaming about what he is going to eat afterwards? You bet. I do remember that it was advised that the first meal include soft and benign foods. No hot sauce, no salads or roughage. Simple foods. Eggs and toast. A plain turkey sandwich. For dinner tonight, we are planning some salmon and rice for him.

We leave in an hour.

The big Pumpkin Festival that brings over 100,000 people to our little coastside town is this coming weekend. We are staying home the entire weekend but I will run to Safeway this afternoon to pickup some final food items for us. Between tomorrow and the weekend, the shelves will be empty.

The fires to the north of us are still raging and new outbreaks are happening. The smell is only on occasion here on the coast but I don't know about over the pass. I expect to hear that the rehab class is cancelled tomorrow.

The Irish Fiddling group had a good rehearsal last night. It felt good to play, work out some issues and to look at a new piece of music. We don't have a gig for a couple of weeks so we were able to focus on specific pieces of music that needed attention.

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