Thursday, October 26, 2017


Still waiting to hear from Veronica, the surgeon's assistant. She said she would phone either yesterday or today to let me know when the endoscopy is scheduled. The cell phone will be on me all day today! Is the procedure tomorrow as initially planned? I am assuming not. We will see.

I did drive into the city for the blood tests and the X-rays in anticipation of the endoscopy. After the drive home, I cooked dinner early, ate lunch, digested then took a walk along the ocean. That was a mistake. It was early afternoon, really warm with a slight breeze while I headed for a long walk. Before I realized it, I may have gone too far. I was dripping wet and short of breath. The walk back to the car was a constant uphill all the way. I paused several times to gather my strength but was totally spent by the time I fell into the car.

It took time to recover and to continue with the day.

Today is going to be fun. This morning, I am going to try to have a pedicure since I am not going to rehab class. We have plans. Dave and Lori have invited us to meet their new granddaughter. We were so touched to be invited to their son's wedding several years ago and thrilled that this baby has arrived. This afternoon, I will make some appetizers to share and we will probably spend just a couple hours together. Should be fun!

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