Friday, March 12, 2010

Lost Memories

I have major memory issues. Dr. K. believes it is because I do too much without supplemental oxygen.

Trying to bring up a name or even some words can be impossible. Funny conversations with my mom can be, “What was that actor’s name? You know, the one who was married to, oh that woman who stared with that actor who was starred in…..” and it continues. Finally, one of us will come up with the names.

It can even be more frustrating.

I am a demon when it comes to paperwork. I am organized. I am skillful. I have the know-how.

I received a notice from my university hospital saying that Medicare stopped all payments and I owed them for all of last year. They do not know that I have a Medicare set-aside. I have to phone them.

Where is the paperwork from the trial and my lawyer?

I looked in my huge file. Nothing. I searched through files in the attic, which included our taxes for the last five years, just in case they got misplaced within those papers. I searched my aunt’s files for the same reason. I searched my huge file again. Nothing.

For two days I walked through the house going through everything I could think of.

Were the papers in the safe deposit box? I was grasping for straws.

I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned all night. The covers flew off the bed.

This morning, I thought I would just let my instincts lead me. Without any plan, I wandered into the garage and looked at the huge file again. There was a bag of stuff on top of it, which had a lot of investment stuff in it. On a whim, I began to go though it.

There was everything I needed: The settlement agreement and the Medicare Set-Aside papers. I have absolutely no memory of putting them there.

So, now the hard work begins. I have to call the hospital and deal with Medicare to straighten it all out. At least I have the backup paperwork!

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