Monday, January 16, 2012

Wash Your Hands!

Sorry to preach but it is important. Everyone around us is struggling with a cold or a few days of a fever. The chore is to keep clear of all the illnesses! Michael has stopped shaking hands with people. Fist bumps are the way to go.

We are taking extra Airborne and vitamin C. We are also staying away from crowds of people. Why, oh why is there always someone coughing around us? So, no movies, no concerts, no children, no people.

Rehab - I listen for coughs. I have learned to stay away from those people, keep my hands away from my eyes, nose and mouth then wash my hands before leaving so I don't bring anything into the car. Also, I use hand sanitizer after pumping gas.

We are now avoiding eating out but always avoid using the salt and pepper shakers on restaurant tables. Dirty.

Those of us with an ILD are so susceptible to colds and infections due to our medications. We just can't fight them off. We can become very ill with just a simple cold or be hospitalized if we get the flu. Let's not do that.

Eat well, sleep well, exercise and we will get through the winter together.

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