Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Exercise, Once Again

I was feeling pretty miserable yesterday. Tired. Not breathing well. Not moving well. It took time to pull it together to pick up Jeannie and drive to the rehab class. I was not looking forward to it.

As I was waiting to check out after working out, I realized that I felt so much better. Once again, the reminder that exercise helps everything from muscles to attitude. It was a different person who arrived home. I was filled with energy with lots to do. I made a fantastic dinner and slept well last night.

Michael and I are heading into the city for the esophagram to check to see if my hernia or Nissen surgery site is leaking causing my acid reflux. Weirdly, I have not had any reflux in a while. Kind of like going to the mechanic's when the car makes a funny noise until you get to the mechanic's!

No breakfast this morning. No coffee!! The test should take an hour then we will shop for Michael's traveling clothes and some groceries. A full day ahead.

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