Monday, September 25, 2017


It all worked out. We left the coastside at 3:00PM to avoid the beach traffic of people going home and arrived at the venue to meet William only two hours early! We didn't mind. The weather was fantastic, we walked a few blocks to a coffee shop for a snack then sat in the car to people watch. We met him right on time at the Stage Door then followed him into the tour bus. What a gorgeous bus!

We gave him the baklava and settled in for a nice chat. It was just so good to look at him. He was happy. He was loving working with this group and appeared very relaxed before the concert. Several other crew member drifted in and out of the bus and it was good to meet them, as well. Nice people. Professionals.

After almost an hour and a half, we left so he could do his job but not before lots of hugs and promises to be together at Christmas. He also was looking forward to cooking during our Palm Springs getaway and even suggested a few different menus!

This morning, I am going to sit in the waiting room while Michael has his physical so I am nearby in case they ask him something and he needs my help. I want him to have to deal with the doctor directly and develop a relationship without me. We have been tracking his blood pressure and I think the doctor is going to suggest he begin medication. I have primed Michael to ask for three months to try to lose 15 pounds and exercise to bring it down instead of instant medication. We will see what the doctor says. From there, I am going to mom's for lunch.

My soul feels like it has been filled to the brim after seeing William yesterday. It is a good Monday for this mom.

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