Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Waiting Mode

We are waiting to meet the transplant surgeon next week. I think it is to have him review all my cardio tests and to give me the once over to see if I am fit enough to survive the surgery. In the meantime, there are appointments and doctors with mom and I discovered something yesterday.

I am not thinking clearly.

It was a subtle hint when I took the wrong freeway exit to CVS then couldn't remember exactly how to get around a freeway. Duh. Got it but felt rather silly.

Once there, I found mom's items then bought two items for us. Mom's stuff: no problem. As the clerk was checking ours, I realized I should have bought another Alka Seltzer Antacid as it was buy one get one 50% off. I told her to charge me for the additional 50% and I would go back to pick it up. Great. Done.

Heading back to grab another one, I picked up another of mom's Digestive Advantage Gummy Probiotics confusing it with my Alka Seltzer antacid. It became even more confusing as we tried to match the receipts with the items until we got some help. We three women tried to figure out what happened. To add to the confusion, mom's Digestive Advantage was for Kids, so that had to be changed. It finally occurred to me that it was all my fault, I had confused the two items and one woman ran back to pick up the needed items for me.

It was then that I realized why I was not thinking clearly: Having just read the paperwork about everything from pre to post lung transplant surgery, it was very daunting. I paused, looked at them and thanked them. I very briefly explained that I had been to appointments everyday last week and that I was being listed for new lungs after an exposure at work and was feeling very overwhelmed.

They were so kind that it brought tears to my eyes.

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