Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to School

It usually began around the first of August - the quiver in the pit of my stomach. I would begin to count the days before we had to be at the school for workweek. The new school year. Back to work. Back to working 12-15 hours a day, six days a week.

I loved my job but reflecting on the work ahead for a whole new year was a bit overwhelming in August. By September, I was back in the saddle and off we galloped.

Since I have been gone, the first year was the very hardest. I deeply missed the children. At the rehab class, the gym overlooked the play area of a school so I was able to watch the kids at recess. It helped so much but I still felt like I was being left behind.

But, a funny thing happened. When the following August came around, I realized that I had no quiver in the pit of my stomach. I really didn’t miss the hours or the administration of it all.

Time moved on and this year is the first time in many years that I am longing again to be at the school. Impossible, of course but still...

What probably brought this on is that the local school started this week and all the parents we know were sending their kids off for their first day. It was a bit sad. I wish I were still in the game.

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