Friday, January 16, 2015

No Sleep for the List Makers!

I am not sleeping well. There will be at least 25 people at Sherman's party, I worried about things like linens and flowers and a gift table last night so I will talk with the manager today. Time will also be an issue. The balloons at 10-10:30, a drive over the hill to get mom, a drive north to Costco to pickup the cake then a drive to the restaurant. All by 1:30. I worried about that all night. Oops! Forgot the flowers! I need to buy a small bouquet to be near the card for everyone to sign.

A speech. I need to pull together the facts for a short speech. Sherman has lived under 14 presidents! Just one fact! It might be of interest to learn what a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk and gas cost in 1925. The Great Gatsby was published that year as was Mein Kempf!  Anyway, I want to weave a speech together of facts from his birth year, his life and our rehab class.

So now it is pre-dawn and I need to shower before running to the other rehab to workout before mom's doctor appointment this morning. I am dragging. I hope to feel better after a good workout.

On the cold/flu front: I ordered Aprodine from Rite-Aid yesterday, Michael continues to improve and is about 80% and I feel fine. The Aprodine seems to work for me when I feel even the slightest tickle of a cold coming on. I take it two nights in a row and it stops it in its tracks. Stay well everyone.

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