Thursday, January 22, 2015

Waiting to Hear

I contacted Dr. K. yesterday morning, she requested a nasal swab from the local doctor to check for the virus and sent two prescriptions to Rite-Aid: Tamiflu and doxycycline. The antibiotic will probably be needed in a few days.

Mom needed some supplies as she was really sick, so I bought some drugs for her at CVS before driving them over the pass. We sat and chatted for about 20 minutes before she began falling asleep. I will phone her this morning to see how she is doing.

Back home, I stopped by the local doctor. Turns out she would not do a nasal swab. Interesting. Then, Rite-aid didn't have the prescriptions. I drove home, wrote back to Dr. K. that the prescriptions were not at Rite-aid and waited. Around 2PM, I began to think that she ordered from my prescription mail company instead of a local pharmacy, I was on the phone waiting to speak with the mail pharmacy when the phone dinged. Call waiting. It was Rite-aid. My prescriptions were ready for pickup. I hopped back into the car, back to town and discovered that they had been sent in error to the mail pharmacy.

This is the first time I have taken Tamiflu and I am very impressed. It kicked back the runny nose and the cough enough so I was able to sleep last night. The normal run for the drug is five days but Dr. K. prescribed twenty days. She is serious.

Sleep. I needed to sleep upright so I spent last night in my chair.

We got word yesterday afternoon that British Don, who was going to have another stent installed in his heart, was in ICU on a machine to keep him going until noon today when he will have bypass surgery. He was very nervous and I asked if he wanted a visit from Michael after work. So, after a quick dinner, we went for a visit in ICU (I was on oxygen and fully masked). He is in fantastic hands, the doctor is world renown and the ICU nurse was outstanding. But, Don was still worried that he is not going to survive the surgery. He, once again, told Michael all his passwords and final instructions. But, we left him laughing. That was good.

My plans for today? Wait to hear about Don but to stay in my pj's and sleep on and off all day. I need to recover quickly.

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