Thursday, September 7, 2017


By 7AM, I will be in the car heading to the new campus of my university hospital for an 8:30 appointment at the orthopedic clinic. After telling the scheduler my story about the recent pain in rehab, she got me right in. I worry that I have re-injured it and possibly even have an unhealed fracture. The swelling in the knee and around my ankle is very impressive. Something is happening.

Why this is so concerning is because I am not able to exercise at the level to keep me healthy. I don't feel fit. I worry about diabetes as the exercise and my diet has kept the prednisone induced diabetes at bay. I was just getting back to a high level on the treadmill and kicking it up on the bike and now I will have to pull back again. No walks along the ocean. No anything. I have to heal completely.

Michael had his first appointment with his new primary doctor yesterday, she was able to access his files so we had the information regarding his low blood sugar issues and the two seizures. The only thing that caused some concern was his blood pressure. He has always had low pressure but it was 138/93 yesterday. Scary. I am buying a blood pressure cuff on the way home so he can keep a diary of his pressure for the next few weeks before his physical. I also made appointments for his colonoscopy and with a dermatologist to check his skin on his face and the rest of his body.

After the appointment, we had a great lunch, did the grocery shopping and stayed home the rest of the day.

William is on tour and escaped Florida just in time to beat the hurricane. Irma will be chasing them up the coast but I think they are far enough ahead of it to avoid it all. I hope!

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