Thursday, March 11, 2010


One of the questions the long-term disability people asked was how much TV I watched a day. When I am home, I have the TV on all day and then into the night.

I watch more TV then I ever have in my life.

Thinking about this, it is because I feel less isolated. I watch a lot of cable news. I watch the stock market. I watch Charlie Rose on PBS when I am home at noon. I watch movies during the day. God help me, I even watch Judge Judy.

I try to never just sit and watch. I will work on the blog or do e-mails or check my beloved web sites or pay bills or fold laundry or make lists or pick up the house or cook dinner. You get the idea.

What I think they were asking is how much time is spent on a couch doing nothing. I rarely just sit.

I rarely do nothing.

It does make me realize that maybe it would be nice to turn it off more often.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I have the same habit, I keep the TV on when I'm at home alone. And I try never to miss an episode of Judge Judy! I think she's the only one on tv with any common sense these days!