Monday, January 10, 2011

Conversation at 5:00AM Over Coffee

Okay, it was early. Too early. We had gone to bed ridiculously early and woke up even more ridiculously early. The house was cold but the coffee was hot. I just asked a simple question to Michael:

“Any goals for 2011?”

Maybe not such a simple question. Maybe not be the smartest thing to ask that early in the morning. Well, he turned to me, very seriously and said, “My goal is to put you in a bitchin’ car.” Bitchin’?! Didn’t that word go out style in the 1970’s?

I started to smile. “Anything else?”

His reply, “I want to lose ten more pounds.” The same pounds he put on eating his way through the South. Most only recently disappeared while fighting the horrible flu last month.

My reply, “Planning another bout of the flu, are you?”

We both laughed out loud. Too early. Too much coffee.

What a fun way to start the day. A good laugh. A cherished moment.

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