Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reoccurring Dream

It happened again last night. I have been having the weirdest reoccurring dream. For the past several weeks, I have been dreaming about losing my purse. Sometimes I am in doctor’s offices, or shopping, or in restaurants. I realize it is not with me. As I run back to try to find it, I wake up. Then, I am always so relieved that it was only a dream.

So, I went to this dream web site to see what they suggest:

Here, in part, is what is written:

Purse To see or carry a purse in your dream, represents secrets, desires and thoughts which are being closely held and guarded. It symbolizes your identity and sense of self.
To dream that you lost your purse, denotes loss of power and control. You may have lost touch with your real identity.
Interesting. Loss of power and control. Real identity. These are all the things that we deal with when we are diagnosed with a bad diagnosis. A fatal diagnosis. We lose total control of our lives and our future is suddenly so unclear. I wonder why I am dreaming about his now six years after my diagnosis. Hmmm.

I wonder if I will ever find my purse in my dreams.

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