I arrived very early, no surprise, and weighed-in. I lost 10 pounds. Exactly. With shoes and jacket.
He said that I was doing very well with the diet and was pleased with the weight loss. He said that low fat cheese, mozzarella cheese sticks, low fat cottage cheese, low fat sour cream, low fat cream cheese, avocados, nuts and seeds, and some other foods can be added to my diet but I still need to stay under 1,200 calories a day. It should make choices of food a bit more interesting.
I have been eating a lot of cabbage and sauerkraut. A lot. I love it but I don't want to get sick of it so it is banned from my diet this month. The focus will be chard, kale and mixed raw veggies from Trader Joe's. He also said that more protein needs to be added to my breakfast soups.
We also talked about the purposed 3-month liquid diet. I think the plan is to meet with that doctor in two weeks to arrange for it to begin in May. It will be a summer of liquids. He said that I should be able to lose approximately 30-pounds during that process. Afterwards, I will return to this low-carb, low-fat diet and try to lose an addition 20-pounds. That will make a total of 70-pounds, almost the lightest I have ever weighed as an adult.
After the 3-month diet, I will be able to begin the process of qualifying for lung transplants. That is the goal of this focus on weight loss. Dr. K. will be thrilled to get this process started. It takes about 6-months for testing of every organ in my body to be qualified. Once qualified, I can have lung transplants if I suddenly crash or become really incapacitated. Hopefully, I will not need them but it is good to have in our back pocket, so to speak.
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