Saturday, January 8, 2011

News about Pirfenidone in Europe

Thanks to an e-mail from the wonderful people at the Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis (, there is news about the first drug treatment for Pulmonary Fibrosis – Pirfenidone.

It did not pass the expected final test by the FDA in the US last year. It was a huge disappointment. I have met two people in my ILD Group who are in the study and are having great success with it. The FDA felt it needed more study.

The big news for my European readers is that it has passed a hurdle in the European regulatory process and is ready for the EU to approve this drug. Hopefully, this will give the FDA here in the US a bit of a kick in their butts. Maybe. It has already been approved for use in Japan and India.

There is currently no treatment other than lung transplants in the US for Pulmonary Fibrosis and the life expectancy is only 2-3 years after diagnosis. It is a deadly diagnosis. Pirfenidone could prove to be a miracle drug to extend not only the longevity but also the quality of life for those suffering with the disease.

If the scientists can discover a way to treat PF, it may open the door for all the other ILDs to have possible treatments as well.

Good news all around!

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