It was my wonderful Workmen’s Comp lawyer who asked when I had applied for Social Security Disability benefits. Applied?!? I had no idea what that was or how to apply. At home, I downloaded the form and made a 4:00PM appointment in late December 2005.
I arrived with my box of paperwork (photo), not knowing what they would need. I sat in this totally packed horrible room and waited. Finally, a woman came out to greet me. She led me into another room to her desk. She warned me that I would be taking a recorded oath at the end of the interview swearing that everything I had said is true. We began to talk. I was very honest.
There were many times throughout the process – SSI, WC claim, Long-term Disability – where I could have “shaded” the truth for my benefit. I had decided in the very beginning that I was going to tell the truth no matter what the issue. They can’t catch me in a lie if I don’t lie. Simple.
During the SSI interview and with all of her experience, I guess it appeared to her that I was being extremely open and honest. One question she asked was when I diagnosed with depression? Now, I know people get SSI for being depressed. I am not depressed. I will never be depressed. I told her that I have never had a depressed day in my life. Her demeanor changed. Her voice changed. She mentioned one of her stepchildren. We started talking about school and children, I shared things I had learned working at the school and suggested some resources. We finished the interview. I reminded her that I was to record an oath for her and she said, “No need,” and smiled. It was 6:00PM and we were the only people left in the entire office. She walked me to the door where we hugged goodbye.
I began the wait to hear if I was going to receive the SSI benefits.
According to the paperwork, all decisions are to be made within 90 days. I received a notice that they were needing additional time. Finally, on July 7, 2006 I received a phone call from the same woman at the SSI office. She remembered me. She told me that SSI has approved my claim. Dear reader, you have to understand that it is rare for someone my age to be awarded these benefits the first time submitted and without the help of a lawyer.
She said that I have been declared disabled as of August 29, 2005. There would a waiting period so I was going to received disability checks beginning in February to July 2006 then a monthly check thereafter.
But, what she said next made me burst into tears. I would be eligible for Medicare in February 2008. Medicare. We were not going to have to sell our house to pay for all my medical bills. We would be bankrupted if not for Medicare.
I will never forget the woman at the SSI office or her kindness. I am sure her report had a lot to do with the approval of the claim.
Next: My Love/Hate Relationship with Prednisone
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