Saturday, July 24, 2010


That is what I said when I landed hard on the ground after tripping on something on a sidewalk. Nuts, was what I was really thinking. That’s going to hurt!

On Thursday, I had spent a lovely morning on a breakfast date with Michael. We went to a small mostly organic restaurant in a pretty area. He ordered for me. I especially loved the fruit cup which had mango, white peaches, raspberries, black grapes, and other unusual fruits beautifully cut and presented.

I dropped him off at a friend’s shop then headed to a bookstore. There, I got a text from Natalie that she, Winnie and baby Ollie were going to be at the mall. Could I join them? After a sprint through the bookstore, I met them in the shoe department of Nordstrom’s where Winnie picked out a new pair of pink shoes that light up when she walks. Magic. I found a few cute things for Ollie. He is such a sweet baby.

I sat with them while they ate lunch then headed to rehab. That is when it happened. As I left Nordstrom’s, my shoe caught an edge just outside its doors. BOOM. I went down hard. My left knee hurt, it was bleeding. I put a hole in my good slacks! That was the worst!

The pain was more immediate in my right wrist, shoulder and ankle.

I picked myself up and drove to the rehab class where the nurses lovingly surrounded me. Iced and patched up, I was thrown out. No rehab for me!

Today, I am still a bit stiff in my back, foot and hip. The bruising is going to be spectacular!


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