No rock fountain yet but everything else in the garden is finished. The damage to the patio when the old posts were removed has been repaired. Michael is finishing his metal touches next weekend.
We are happy with how it all turned out. It feels like a bit of paradise.
The most remarkable change is the amount of time I have to spend working in the garden every week. On a normal Saturday, I would spend an average of six hours working on the maintenance, trimming, cutting, blowing and watering of the yards. Six hours!
The past several weeks, even with some trimming and weeding, I spent 1-1/2 to 3 hours. What a difference. I don’t even have to haul buckets of trim out of the back yard. There is nothing to trim!
The bottom line is that this change will allow me to continue working in the garden as my disease progresses. The huge bushes are gone. All the high maintenance issues in the yard have been removed. I will still look silly with my oxygen strapped on my back and long sleeves and a large hat because of the medications, a mask and earphones but I will be out there working. My garden. For as long as I am physically able.
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