Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Improving Rehab Numbers

Something has changed. During the Pulmonary Rehab Class, my heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation rates are monitored. The normal saturation rate for me during exercising on 2 liter of oxygen on the treadmill is 91% and 93% on the recumbent bike.

I don’t know if it is the weight loss or the fibrosis has decided to slow down but my numbers have changed. Consistently, I now have 95% on the treadmill and 96% on the bike.

These numbers have never been so good.

I also feel like I could exercise forever. I am not sweating as much. I am not short of breath.

It feels good. The RN noticed and added the wall weight pulleys for my upper body as well as wall push-ups. Kind of exciting. I also think I will ask to add time on all the equipment. Time to begin to sweat again.

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