Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Post Diet Plans

We have been so isolated with my liquid/protein diet that our friends and relatives are banging at our door – figuratively. Plans are being made.

My mom is coming in for her birthday mid-August. She has requested Braised Short Ribs with Sauerkraut and a chocolate cake for her birthday dinner.

A week later, Michael’s sister Anna and her daughter April and 2-year old Stephen are coming for a few days. They are, thankfully, staying at a hotel. I am planning to make the most amazing roasted chicken served over a panzanella salad. The chicken is salted and cooled in the refrigerator for 2-3 days before cooking. They are then baked whole in a very hot oven for an hour until the skin is crispy. It is cut up and placed over a salad of broiled crispy bread, currents, scallions and garlic tossed with olive oil and champagne vinegar dressing. Amazing.

While they are here, I will take them to lunch at the restaurant in the small town south of us after visiting the famous goat farm. They must taste the samples of goat cheese and see the llamas that protect the flock. Stephen will be delighted to see it all.

We always celebrate Rick and Natalie’s birthdays but I have been on this diet and just not willing to have any different food in the house. I really couldn’t do it. So, they are expecting to come down for the evening. I should confirm a date with them soon!

Michael wants his friends Marianne and Mark to come for dinner then another dinner with Ricky, Fran and their daughter Lisa and the famous chef Mark.

At the moment, I am looking forward to it all. Ten minutes before everyone is to arrive, I always say that I will never have people over again. But, in the afterglow of a nice dinner with friends, I always plan another date to get together.

With all of this, I have to be so very careful not to eat too much food. I cannot gain a pound back. I have to keep losing.

It is a challenge that I am ready to accept.

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