Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Home, Job, Concert

Michael's home safe and sound. We hugged, sat in the garden, had some dinner and were in bed by 8:00. There is nothing like your own bed. During the trip to move his mom, he was able to see so many relatives he hadn't seen in decades and was able to spend some time with his sisters as well. It was all good.

My brother phoned to tell me he accepted a position a couple of blocks from his home (and for whom he has been working on projects for a few year) with NRAO. According to Wikipedia: The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center of the United States National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc for the purpose of radio astronomy. NRAO designs, builds, and operates its own high sensitivity radio telescopes for use by scientists around the world.

It is Greek to me. He is finishing up his fifth patent before he takes on a new project for them. The good news is that they don't have to sell their house and move out of their area for a new job. A huge sigh of relief. They love where they live. 

The other reason he phoned is that he wants to see The Who in concert. Betty is not interested so he wanted to know if Michael would like to fly to Arizona or Las Vegas to see the concert with him. Then, Betty mentioned that they are also playing at the Oakland Coliseum. Chip could fly here, stay with us and they could go to the concert together. The only problem is the only seats available are horrible. Soooo, Michael is going to phone his serious contacts in the industry today to see if he can get two tickets. We'll see if he can make the magic happen! 

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