Friday, March 22, 2013

Breathing Through Difficult Days

My yoga twisted knee held up in the rehab class yesterday and is, so far, pain-free this morning. I am so relieved that it was a minor injury. While hanging out with Sherman before the class, we were join by a gentlemen we haven't seen in a while. His wife has physical therapy in the swimming pool while he hangs out with us. I just learned yesterday that he knows his classical music. We talked repertoire, musicians and venues. We even sang the Handel harp concerto to Sherman. Music always fills my soul.

Mom's appointment with the GYN is this afternoon. I am going to hit the other rehab this morning for a good workout then we'll have a bit of lunch before seeing the new doctor. We are both a bit nervous. We hope it is nothing.

Lindsey's funeral is tomorrow. I am also a bit anxious about that but so happy that Michael is going with me.

And through all this drama, the Formula 1 race from Malaysia has qualifying today. It was raining and very hot for the practice. The track is eating tires. It is the widest race track of the entire season, which means lots of passing. We will watch the race on Sunday.

In breathing news, something good is definitely happening. My saturation numbers in the rehab class are up. I desaturate the most on the treadmill, the saturation has been measuring 92% on 2 liters. Yesterday, it was 96%, the RN reduced the oxygen to 1 liter and I was stable at 92%. Really good. Recently, I would have been down to 90% on 1 liter. The coughing has mostly subsided. I used to make the bed then cough, get dressed then coughed, food shopped then coughed, walked anywhere while get the idea. The only recent coughing fit was walking my string bass out of the rehearsal and loading it into the car. I coughed three times then done.

All this means that I might, just might, be recovering from bronchitis that I have had for more than a year. Wouldn't that be marvelous?

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