Monday, June 24, 2013

Sleep Deprived

Five and a half hours of sleep. That is what we will be functioning on today. Lots of coffee with be involved. We were welcomed into the home of the owner of the three of our favorite restaurants in the city. It was family. Their two-year old daughter was charming and such a dancer! The food was prepared by Elle who was raised in Vietnam. It started with a combo of shrimp and crab on a baguette, baked then broiled. Dinner was rice wrappers and the filling was cooking in the middle of the table - shrimp, calamari, onions, meat - along with lettuce, mint and bean sprouts. All was then wrapped like a burrito and dipped into her fantastic fish sauce. What a cook! Dessert was strawberries and red wine with whipped cream. Delicious. I have not had fruit in so long, it was delightful. When eating at someone's home, I eat mostly everything offered. I don't want to be rude. I don't have to finish everything but I have to try everything. I will be very careful with my diet today and the next few days.

We almost felt our way home because the fog was so thick along the coast. It is raining again this morning which is so rare this time of year. I glanced at the clock as we climbing into bed at 12:30 counting the hours on my fingers when the alarm would sounds encouraging us to get up. Back to work. Back to life.

I am going to the other rehab this morning then driving mom to her pre-op appointment. By the way, my new glasses arrived on Saturday and I am taking them to be fitted this morning. So very cute. I am very happy with the entire process. Warby Parker. Love them.

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