Monday, December 25, 2017


Merry Christmas! We made another year together! I so hope you have a wonderful day with your family and dear friends. We have our son home for the first time in two years. It feels like heaven. Face to face conversation! What a concept!

Mom has come down with a cold so she will be wearing a mask all day. Michael is picking her up at her home later this morning. We will have a lite lunch, open presents then off to an early dinner over the hill. A lovely new tradition. No five hours in a car in traffic. No stacks of dirty dishes.

We have been enjoying our time with William. He actually made most of the dinner last night, loved the Heritage Pork Chops and had three helping of the homemade applesauce. Does a mother's heart good. All this was going on while the neighbors dropped off goodies and he and Michael actually delivered a few. We met the new neighbors and their two adorable boys. I especially fell in love with the almost 3-year old and I know that we are going to be buddies, I can tell. Great parents, too!

So many people wanted to see William but we promised nothing as we didn't know if he just wanted to chill out or up for visits. He really wanted to see Wayne, Jill and their sons so we spent about two hours with them before dinner. William has known the boys since they were babies. Now, the youngest is in his second year of college and the oldest is of drinking age! Where did the time go?

The house feels complete with William home. I am cooking some bacon in the oven and will open up a tube of Grand Cinnamon Rolls, unroll them and lay a piece of cooked bacon then roll them back up for baking. A Christmas tradition. The house will smell like Christmas soon!

Merry Christmas, dear reader. May you enjoy all of the joys of the season.

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