Thursday, December 14, 2017

And the Doctor Said

It was an interesting visit with Dr. K. At one point, she threw up her hands with frustration because we were dealing with all acid reflux issues and nothing about her specialty, LUNGS! But, I had learned so much on how to deal with Dr. K. while working with the life coach a couple of years ago. I sat back on the chair, my feet flat on the floor with my hands relaxed on my lap. It worked so well yesterday. I also said that the reason I wanted her advice about the surgery re-do of the Nissen was that I so trusted her opinion more than anyone's. She calmed down.

She also looked at my "gout" on my finger and side it was osteoarthritis. I believe her.

So, she believed that the surgeon has experience re-doing Nissen's but she also told me of her concern. She worried that if I go through with this surgery, it may kick my ILD into high gear and I will need emergency lung transplants. But, as she is a cystic fibrosis specialist, she wants me to meet with the head of the lung transplant clinic for his opinion of whether I should go through the surgery or if medication could be a stopgap, knowing that it is not the best solution.

She also wants me to see an gastroenterologist for their advice.

All in all, I now feel there is no big hurry to make a decision and that is making me feel better. Time to gather information.

During the drive home, I let everything marinate in my brain and made the decision that I wanted a nice dinner out to talk it through with Michael. He is such a good guy. I drove up into the driveway and there he was, finishing working in the front yard getting ready for Christmas. Dinner out? Sure! We went to the nice seafood place a couple miles north of us near the harbor, watched the sunset over the water and talked. It was perfect and exactly what I needed.

Sleeping. It was once again remarkable since kicking up my oxygen to 2.5 liters. I fell asleep around 8PM and slept through the night until I forced myself out of bed at 6AM. The housekeepers are due early this morning so I need to get out of here! Hair day! Jeannie and rehab class today!

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