Friday, December 15, 2017

Survived Thursday

Hair day! The housekeepers arrived and I took off for CVS and Peet's before my hair appointment. Done! She even got me out the door about 5 minutes early! I was able to pick Jeannie up on time and we had a nice ride over the pass to the rehab class. Everyone greeted us as we had missed three classes due to my doctor appointments. I was feeling so well that I kicked up my time and speed on the treadmill and did the rest of the routine with glee. It felt fantastic!

We were almost involved in a nasty accident on the way back over the pass. I had allowed a car to pull in front of me and as we went into a sweeping turn just before the pass, a crazy woman going very fast in an oncoming car totally missed the curve and was aiming head-on at the car in front of us. I saw it coming, was pulling over to the right, blew my horn, the car in front headed to the right, she swerved at the last moment and disaster was averted. My heart was pounding. It was a bit too close.

I had so much energy, I cooked an amazing dinner of lamb and vegetables while Michael hung more Christmas lights on the side of the house for Ron and Susan. He also bought my poinsettias so the house looks like Christmas just in time for a visit from mom today.

She has a toenail appointment this morning then we are meeting with our investment people at 1:00. After lunch, we are going to swing by the house for her so see everything. It will help put her in the old Christmas spirit!

If we get through the day, I will have make it through a week of doctors and other appointments. I do want to mention that I got an email from Dr. K. who did some research and discovered that I was checked for h pylori and it was negative. I am now waiting to hear from the lung transplant clinic to arrange an appointment with the head to discuss the re-do surgery and other options. No hurry.

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