Sunday, December 3, 2017


Fearful of sounding like a broken record, I did phone the surgeon's assistant on Friday and she was dismayed that I had not heard from the surgeon. I commented that sleeping was becoming difficult and I know she was doing her best. She sent yet another email to him, as he was just finishing up some surgery. She said he should phone me but, if not, call her on Monday.

I waited through the late afternoon into the evening. No phone call. I just can't believe it. So tomorrow, I will phone sweet Veronica once again.

Yesterday, I put all that aside and spent a marvelous couple of hours with a dear friend. We enjoyed conversation and breakfast. It is moments like this that really fills my soul, makes me smile the rest of the day and gives me the confidence to continue to fight the good fight against this disease.

Christmas arrives today. We are beginning with the inside of the house and Michael kind of went crazy and bought a lot of new fancy lights for the exterior. I promise photos.

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