Thursday, December 23, 2010


The super drug. The antibiotic I am taking for two weeks after the discovery during my visit to the Acute Care clinic that I still had an upper repertory infection despite a full run of another antibiotic.

This should knock it out but it is not without costs. To read all the side effect is terrifying. The scariest one is a tendon problem. I can’t afford not to do my rehab workouts for several months recovering from a snapped tendon.

It is also very expensive.

Last week, I went to the rehab class and told them I was on the drugs. Alyson was not there and the other RN allowed me to workout. She also shared that how the tendon can be snapped is by doing something unusual. She said not to hop off of a curb or run up the driveway or do anything different and I would probably be fine.

When I returned on Tuesday, I knew I was going to be yelled at for working out with a lung infection and having Levaquin on board. The tendon problem can actually be a possibility well after using the drug. Am I supposed to not workout for months?

Well, Alyson did not mention anything though I plied her with a bag of Sugar Glazed Walnuts and a gift card for Christmas. That may have helped!

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