Sunday, December 4, 2011

Post-Thanksgiving Feast Weigh-In

I haven’t blogged about my weight for a while. When I was at the Liver Clinic last Thursday, it was the first time I had stepped on a scale since Thanksgiving. Shockingly, I had lost a pound. I am still lighter than when the diet ended in July. By several pounds.

My expectations of not checking in with the weight management clinic or having someone looking over my shoulder was that it was going to be very difficult to maintain my weight. Actually, that has not been the case. I need to keep all my good routines in place – create a week's worth of menus so there are no choices to make when I am hungry, exercise, drink lots of water, no snacking – and the rest will follow.

My sister is struggling with her weight. She went on a diet advertised on TV, lost a lot of weight but began to put it back on while on a trip to Italy. She was never able to get the momentum back after the vacation thus the weight just piled back on. Her daughter is being married in May and I know my sister REALLY wants the weight gone. She doesn’t talk about it with me but our mom has encouraged her to see a nutritionist who can help her lose it safely. No fads. For life. I so hope she can do it. Their lifestyle is so different from ours – they eat a large dinner at 7:00PM and go to bed at 9:00, eat out several nights a week and enjoy lots of wine, which is so caloric. It is going to have to be a major change to their lifestyle for any diet to work and to live with for the rest of their lives.

So, I am feeling my weight is stable. It goes up a pound then down a pound. I really wish to be about six pounds lighter so that is my goal for the New Year. That almost makes me giggle. Six pounds. Recently, I have been reflecting back to last year at this time when I was struggling with the extra sixty pounds. I had my first appointment with the nutritionist on December 23rd. It was the beginning of an amazing journey of weight loss. It has been one heck of a year.

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