Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Energy Conservation

Okay. I am exhausted. It is due to the lack of sleep and too much ink on the calendar.
I find I am coughing a lot which usually means that I am doing too much. I will try to pull back as much as I can this week.
This week: Mammogram, Orchestra Rehearsal, Rehab every day and the Book Club here on Friday.
I will need to clean the house, cut the grass, wash the windows, food shop several times and pull it all together for Friday night. We are expecting about a dozen people at 6:30. I am looking forward to it. I will also be happy to fall into bed that night.
Yesterday, the week didn't begin well at all.
The plan: rehab, food shopping in two stores, washing and ironing sheets and tablecloths.
The reality: Natalie, Winnie and Oliver came in the morning then left around 11:00. I ran to the bank then headed to rehab. While driving on the pass, Christien called needing lunch because the movers were there and she couldn't get away. I tossed rehab out the window and headed to a store, met at her house and we had lunch together. I then headed to one store, drove home and put all the groceries away. I then headed to another store here in town, came house and hauled more groceries into the house. I ironed the sheets and tablecloths, washed the wine glasses for Friday night and cleaned the candlesticks. I was totally done. Spent.
After warming up leftovers for dinner, I was in bed asleep by 8:00.
My lists are made for the week. I will try to do a little bit everyday, though some days are busier than others. Tomorrow I am driving to my hospital to visit Cynthia who just had her hip replacement yesterday. Afterwards, I have a lot on my list of things to do.

It is going to be a long week.

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