Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Full of Energy

Something is happening. My breathing is suddenly better and I have more energy. Maybe it is all the singing I have been doing in the car. Maybe it is the yoga. Both good, deep breathing. After running a lot of errands with mom yesterday, I got home, pulled a few things together then attacked some projects in anticipation of Mary's 80th birthday visit.

At 4:30, I found myself cleaning the inside rails of the two front guest room windows with a toothbrush! From there, I fluffed the bed in the front bedroom, ran the quilt in the dryer to get rid of any dust, spiffed up the inside of the closet and made the room pretty perfect! The back bedroom just needs the bed fluffed and it, too, is ready. Next up today: all the towels in the guest bathroom need to be washed and all the walls need to be checked for cobwebs.

Around 5:00, the phone rang. It was a contractor who announced we were on the top of his list and he was ready to begin the project of replacing all of the heating ventilation under our house. We noticed that when the heater is on, very little warm air arrives in the livingroom and the rooms closer to the heater become too warm. The ducts are old and so much of the insulation has dropped away. Smaller and more efficient ones will be installed. Guess when? Why, today. I told them we are expecting company a week from Thursday and he promised it would all be finished by Monday at the latest. Oh my! Just a little drama!

Mom has a post-op appointment with the pacemaker doctors early this afternoon. She is looking and feeling great. And, she is so thrilled that as of today, she can drive again. She felt like her wings had been clipped!

We had to drive on a road along the bay yesterday and saw the plane crash and all the media trucks from around the world. It was a very surreal sight. It is still remarkable that there were two deaths because by the look of it, no one should have survived.

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