Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Money and Relatives

Lesson #1: Money and relatives do not mix!

Michael and I have never talked about our financial situation to anyone throughout our marriage. If things were not great, no one else ever knew. Not even our son. We would talk, create a plan and worked things out together.

Mostly, things were fine, bills were covered, money was in the bank and investments were made. We lived well within our means.

Why is it that people think everyone else is doing fine and only they have money problems? Announcement: We all struggle financially during our lifetime.

Some relatives assume that we are rich. They forget that we loss my income and that I can never work again. They don’t consider the expenses of being ill. It costs a lot of money to keep me in rehab, meds, medical tests and hospital bills. They must think that we don’t complain therefore we must be rich.

When we settled with the Workmen’s Comp insurance company, we kept it a secret for almost a year.

A relative asked about the lawsuit. I told them that we settled but was mostly for future medical with a small amount of money. That’s is not possible, they said. You should have gotten millions, they continued. They think I am not telling the truth. That is just not the reality of WC in this state.

Within days, a relative called to let me know their need for some money.

Michael and I talked about it and have a plan in place. He is waiting for the next phone call. He will tell them that he does not have any extra money; he may in the future, but not right now. All the extra money is in my name and he doesn’t feel right giving my money away.

This was a really tough blog to write.

Next: Chili and Root Beer, Please

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