Thursday, April 14, 2016

Help! Send Coffee!

I am whipped. It was such an intense orchestra rehearsal that I couldn't get to sleep last night. I watched the clock: 10PM, 11PM, Midnight. Finally, I moved to the living room for a change of venue and drifted off before being awakened at 6AM by the TV far away in our bedroom. Not a good way to be awakened. Coffee. Needing lots of coffee this morning.

Yesterday, I drove over the pass to buy the groceries then met Michael for lunch at home. We worked in the gardens together in anticipation of rain during the evening. No rain. Missed us. There might be an errant drizzle this morning but then the weather is to turn very warm for the weekend, which means tourists. That means that I will be staying home!

When I was newly diagnosed, we used to take long car rides early Sunday mornings or late Friday nights. We would drive a loop of many miles, stop for coffee about the halfway point and enjoyed the top down (with the convertibles) with the heaters cranked up and music playing softly. It gave me such strength and I would return home so relaxed and ready to deal with my illness again. Michael wants to see how the new/old car drives when it is dark so we are planning a nighttime drive up the coast, across a pass, then south and home via a small mountain road. The sunroof will be opened to the stars, a CD will be playing softly and we will be just drinking up the experience together.

It is back to rehab for me today. I hope to add a couple more days at the other rehab next week. It would be nice to get back to my full routine and feeling strong and fit again. I did gain some of the weight back from the illness then the colonoscopy and I am still three pounds light but I kind of like it here.

My goal today is to arrive home tired from working out so hard at rehab. I am going to push myself to see what I can do.

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