Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Beginning

The appointment is made. I will be meeting with the head of pulmonology at the lung transplant clinic, after a very quick CT Scan, next Thursday, May 5 close to dawn. All my medical files will be reviewed, he will decide if I am a good candidate to begin the pre-testing process for new lungs. The day before, I have an appointment with Dr. K. late in the afternoon. Michael will be with me at both appointments. It's funny, we will probably get home from seeing Dr. K. around 6PM and will leave the house at 6:45AM the next morning for the same drive back to the city for the transplant meeting. I may not sleep well that night.

The worst outcome would be that something is found during all the testing that preclude me from getting transplants. That is the worry. I must realize that it is out of my hands at this point. It is what it is. I just hope that it all falls into place.

Rehab boy Dick was not at rehab but neither was Sherman! He phoned later to chat and told me that his daughter had surgery on her shoulder, so he was with her all day. We talked about Dick and both agreed to phone him every few days. Sherman shared that after Dick told him he had 1 month to 1 year to live, he remarked that just talking with Sherman made him feel better then he began to cry. My heart just broke when hearing this story.

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