Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Waiting for Results

I have a meeting with the weight management doctor at 1:00 today. Michael refuses to go with me so I will worry the entire time I am away. The neighbors will be gone. I may try to force him into the car...but he is really stubborn.

He is talking with his mom for the first time while I type beside him. His friend Wayne is dropping by for a chat after work today, which will lift his spirits. Michael will go into work tomorrow while I go to the rehab class. After class, I will swing by to see if he wants to come home early. I think it will be so good for him to feel normal for a few hours. He is still a bit unstable and dizzy.

We did communicate with the neurologist yesterday and will be referred to an endocrinologist for a blood sugar study. We still believe that is the underlying cause of the seizure.

And we wait for the results of the MRI today. He had no problem with it yesterday and now we look forward to the EEG next Wednesday.

How am I? Not sleeping well and worried. Staying positive and trying to make him laugh. It helps us both.

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