Thursday, November 20, 2014

Feeling the Stress

Yesterday, I had a facial while waiting for the dye to taking in my hair. It was the first time in weeks that I was so completely relaxed. I am beginning to feel human again. The focus, stress, and the fear of the unknown with Michael's seizure had taken it toll. I was beginning to feel like myself again.

Then, I got an email from his primary doctor. What a nice doctor. He told us we don't need an endocrinologist as his sugars can be controlled by food. And, he mentioned that he would be glad to sign off for Michael to get his driver's license reinstated, just send the papers to the business office. Papers? Onto the Internet, found some forms but then spoke with Anna's husband, the lawyer. He told me that we should have received notification with the Vehicle Code reason for the suspension of his license. We needed that number for the proper form. At his suggestion, I left a message for our insurance agent to run his license number to get this number. Then I got the mail. The actual forms were in the mail. How is that for timing?

He needs an eye test as part of the reinstatement process. And there is a time limit when all this needs to be into the DMV. I felt the stress returning. Making an appointment for Friday, we will also order some new glasses for him. Jumping through one hoop. Then he has to fill out a huge form, give the entire packet to Kaiser and hope that they get it in on time. More stress.

But for today, I will spend the morning with my mom for her balance rehab before my own rehab class.  It is a rehab day!

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