Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Plans

Today. Both of us. Alone all day. Playing hooky. Michael took today, tomorrow and Friday off of work. Three whole days! He is going to work on a project in the garage today while I hit the yards. A huge storm is due on Saturday so I want to be prepared.

We are spending Thanksgiving with my sister and her family. Since I am with mom every week, I try to leave them alone to talk and spend some time together. They are just serving turkey, stuffing and green beans for dinner. I think there may be a pie involved as well. Perfect. It will be easy to not over eat! For that, I am thankful!

But, I am nervous about having to drive over 200 miles round trip, in the dark and tired. The saga of Michael's driver's license reinstatement continues. Yesterday, I completed all the forms, had him sign everything, ran to the UPS Store to make copies then sent his personal statement to the DMV before driving to the northern most Kaiser of his primary doctor. The parking situation was a zoo. After driving up and down and through the parking structure, I spotted a car leaving a restricted area. I didn't care! Tow me! It was for limited time for the pharmacy pickups. Done. Hopped out, wandered around to find the Business Office and met Miss Attitude. "Where is the Kaiser form to allow us to fill out this form? And, by the way, we don't send it to the DMV. We give it all back to you." Great. As the form has a time limit attached to it, I am still concerned that we won't be able to get it into the DMV on time. Ah, stress. So, Miss Attitude gave me the form, which I had to drive back down the Peninsula (in horrible traffic) to Michael's work, we filled it out and I refused to go back to that parking structure. I may never be heard from again. Lost forever circling around trying to find a parking space.

So, I headed just a bit south to the Kaiser of the neurologist. Parking? Got a front spot. No waiting. Wandered into buildings and was told I was totally lost. "Cross the street, follow the path, go past two buildings, walk through that parking lot and there will be a small building." Okay, then! I stumbled around then found it, turned the forms in and learned that they would be completed in 4-5 days. They will phone me so I can go back to pick them up. We will read what the doctor wrote, then send them to the DMV via UPS so we have a tracking number. After they review all the papers, Michael will be interviewed either by phone or in person. Maybe by Christmas he will have his license back!

After all this, I ran to my rehab class and had a ball with my rehab boys. They were in fine form. After rehab, I got my toe nails done. Red. I now feel ready to face the holidays!

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