Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Change of Plans

It was a rough night. We had gusts of winds that rattled the house and the power went out around 11PM. Hours later, I was still awake. Michael came home from work feeling awful so he wanted to sleep in his chair. After one of my Aprodine, he was able to breathe better and sleep a bit but the wind kept waking him all night, too.

He is feeling worse this morning and I fear he has a slight fever. I so hope this is a cold and not the flu but...I am beginning to suspect the flu. That is terrifying. I am now moving him back to the bedroom and he is banned from the rest of the house. I will use the other bathroom and will sleep on the living room couch for a few nights. I tease him that all his meals will be tossed into the bedroom from the door.

And forget all New Year's Eve plans! I am going to do a quick food run at the local stores for simple foods for the next few days. Eggs! Soup! Pasta!

To everyone else, please enjoy the first moments of 2015 with friends and family and the love of your live. I can only offer my best wishes for a healthy New Year ahead!

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