Saturday, September 17, 2011

Big Oops

HA! I guess it happens when you open up life to a day of "no routines." I had a wonderful time with Dolores yesterday and we talked about such personal feelings and thoughts that I usually don't share with people other than Michael and you, dear reader.

But, after I bought all the food for the dinner tonight, I got an e-mail from Lori that Dave is just not up to having dinner with anyone. Cancel. Stop the presses. Delete.

Oops. What am I going to do with a 5-pound pork rib roast?

After leaving a message for Michael, I headed into the garden to work in the front yard. The back will be attacked this morning. He phoned and agreed to ask his friend Ricky and his wife Fran to dinner. Both have been here before and are very nice people. She is an amazing, mostly Italian cook. High level. The heat is on for tonight!

Funny how it all worked out. It will be fine. It will be fun.

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