Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Family, Friends and Another Birthday Party

I was alone most of the day yesterday. William and Kimberly took off for some business, friends and shopping in the city. I took off for rehab and food shopping. Michael kept calling into jury duty for further instructions. They instructed him to go to the courtroom, they changed the location, they changed the time. He sat. Waited. Was called chosen by lottery to go into the courtroom with the judge then instructed to fill out a form if he wanted to be excused. Yes, please.

Disabled wife, sole support. He was excused.

While that drama was playing out, I was enjoying the sunshine.

I also phoned mom. She now has a rather large hernia and is meeting with a surgeon next week. She is feeling very discouraged. She has been facing a lot of health issues since 2009 and is tired of being in pain. She really doesn't want surgery.

In the evening, we headed into the city to meet Don, William and Kimberly for another birthday dinner for Michael at our favorite restaurant. The owner and girlfriend joined us. William enjoyed the Tartar and Lamb Daube. Kimberly and Michael had the Duck Confit. Decedent! I had the Bouillabaisse. Perfect. Lots of fun conversation and laughter. We closed the place near midnight.

Today: William and Kimberly are spending the day with us. After dinner, they are leaving to begin the journey home. After they leave, I have the first orchestra rehearsal for this season. It is a Russian music program. I am very happy. I am not so happy to have two new bass players joining me. Two. Oh, and they have never played bass before but "they know how to read music." Oh my.

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