Tuesday, April 10, 2012

ILD Support Group Meeting Today

It is dawn. Pre-dawn. Mom has a doctor appointment at 8:00AM so I will be on the road by 6:00AM. It is going to be a long day. After her appointment, we are going to my ILD Support Group this afternoon, which is going to feature an update of lung disease research around the world. I will report back tomorrow.

Mom is coming back to our house for dinner of lamb stew I made yesterday. It is made with eggplant, which breaks down to make a sauce along with lots of vegetables. A perfect meal for a long, rainy day.

I am taking tomorrow off and just resting. And a hair cut.

The sheetrock was taped and textured yesterday and is now ready for paint. Hopefully, we can get my closet remade soon. My clothes are scattered around the house. Damn water heater!

Yesterday, I discovered that I took and extra prednisone pill on Sunday. It was a total of 40 mgs instead of 30 mgs. Oops. Explains the extreme manic day.

Off I go into the darkness and rain.

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