Friday, April 20, 2012

Worried About Sherman

I am worried about Sherman, my 87-year old rehab class friend. The past two weeks, there has defiantly been a downturn with his breathing. He was a long haul UPS driver and smoked like a demon all day while driving. He has emphysema. Nothing else is wrong with him.

I noticed yesterday that he was so very pale. Not a lot of color in his cheeks.

We got checked in at rehab, walked to the back of the gym where he put his small oxygen tank in a locker then walked just steps to get one of the gym’s larger oxygen tanks. By that time, he had to stop and breathe in oxygen for at least five minutes to get his breath back. He struggled so hard just to breathe. I stood with him until he was able to breathe again but he had to kick it up to 6 liters, which is the highest level of supplemental oxygen ever for him.

Two worries: Is this due to an infection cooking in his lungs? Is this a permanent downturn maybe going in an even worse direction? I am not ready to lose him. He is my dearest friend. I so forget that we are not the same age.

I asked if he would let the RN listen to his lungs. No. I asked again. No, again. He is seeing his doctor in three weeks.

I worry.

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