On my walk along the ocean before going to pulmonary rehab class yesterday, I saw my first pod of dolphins in many years. A small pod, to be sure, but a beautiful group breaking through the surface of the water together as they moved north. It was magical. I stood and watched in awe. Not only dolphins, but I saw several sea lions and a small group of pelicans were back from wherever they have been hiding.
Within the hour of returning, I had to leave for class over the pass. Horrific traffic caused by a massive truck blocking all lanes slowed me down but I got to class with time to spare. The plumber did not come by later, but phoned.
Wednesday = Yoga. There is a new type of yoga class being presented in my old time slot. I am not amuse. I love a very active, aerobic yoga and the new class will featured a slower, calmer, more reflective type of yoga. NOOOOOO! I want to sweat! I want to feel it the next morning. As it is the first class, it is being offered for free. I will go. I will go with a positive attitude. We'll see how it goes. Afterwards, I will have a quick change and a run back into town for a hair appointment. Then, I wait again for the plumber.
Just a reminder for those of us with IPF that you can be paid for an interview about your experiences by a healthcare consulting company. All information is below.
The Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis is notifying you of an opportunity to have a paid phone interview with a medical market research company regarding Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF) during the month of August. You'll be paid $100 for an hour of your time. Details are below in this email.
If you are a patient or a caregiver, please read the details below and reply directly to the company (ClearView Healthcare Partners) if you are interested in this opportunity.
The Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis
DETAILS of opportunity:
WHO: ClearView Healthcare Partners, is a healthcare consulting company ( www.clearviewhcp.com) that works with pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
WHAT: $100 for a phone interview with an IPF patient, or a caregiver . They are currently working with a pharmaceutical or biotech company to assist them in developing new treatments for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) by trying to understand what patients need most. There have been important advancements in the field of IPF over the past several months, but there remains a lot of progress that needs to be made. It will be important now, more than ever, to understand where that progress needs to be made.
WHEN? August 1 - 31, 2014
WHERE? All by telephone. ClearView will set up a day and time with you for your interview.
WHY? The goal of their research is to understand the experiences that you and your family have dealt with as a result of your IPF diagnosis.
DETAILS ABOUT THE INTERVIEW: More specifically, they are interested in speaking with you if you have been diagnosed with IPF or are a caregiver of a loved one with IPF about the following topics:
- Your early experience with the symptoms typical of IPF
- Your journey that led to the diagnosis and what could have been done differently
- Your daily life and how it has been impacted by IPF
- Your current disease management strategies
- Your interest in future therapies for IPF
The company is conducting telephone interviews so that they can get your opinion and help the client develop drugs that better and address your needs. They have described the interview below:
- One-on-one phone interview (August 1 – August 31)
- ClearView will conduct the interview
- Interviews will last 60 minutes and be conducted via telephone, but please let us know if you prefer a shorter call
- Everything will be 100% confidential
CONTACT: If you are interested, please contact ClearView by email or by telephone for scheduling and with any additional questions: Laney Monsey, on behalf of ClearView Healthcare Partners: Email at laney.monsey@clearviewhcp.com or call Laney at 617-614-9539
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Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis10866 W. Washington Blvd. #343 Culver City, CA 90232 (888) 222-8541 info@coalitionforpf.org
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